bring [목적어] to [명사] = [목적어]를 [명사]로 데려오다/가져오다
나는 그 떠돌이 고양이를 집으로 데려왔어
I brought the homeless cat home
I brought the stray cat home.
그 인질들을 내게 데려와라
Bring those hostages to me.
Bring the hostages to me.
나는 그 파티에 약간의 와인을 가져왔어
I brought a few bottle of wine to the party.
I brought some wine to the party.
play, hangout 어른들
snail달팽이, shell 껍질
injured 부상입은 recover 회복하다
head (방향으로) 향하다
spontaneous 즉흥적인
adventure 모험
miss [~ing] 하는 것을 그리워하다
나는 내 친구 세리나와 노는 걸 그리워해
I miss hanging out with my friend, Serina
I miss hanging out with my friend, Serina
너 영어 가르치는 게 그리운가보구나?
You must miss teaching English.
You must miss teaching English.
would [동사원형]하곤 했다.(과거 회상)
우리는 뒷뜰에 있는 그 나무에 오른곤 했지
We would go up the tree in the backyard.
We would climb up the tree in the backyard.
우리 아버지는 내 배게밑에 몇달러를 남기시곤 하셨지
My father would leave a few dollars underneath my pillow.
My father would leave a few dollars under my pillow.
be full of 명사 ~로 가득차 있다
인생은 모험들로 가득차 있어
Life is full of adventures.
Life is full of adventures.
꽃들로 가득 찬 그 정원을 봐
Look at that garden full of flowers.
Look at that graden that is full of flowers.
[Five Golden Sentences]
여름이 되면, 아이었던 게 정말 그립다.
I’ve got to say I really miss being a child during summers.
I have to say I really miss being a child during summer.
남동생과 난 그냥 흥미로운 돌, 잎, 달팽이 껍질 등 뭐든 You name it. 수집하며 하루 종일 밖에서 놀 곤했다.
My brother and I would play outside all day, collecing interesting stones, leaves, and snail shells. You name it.
My brother and I would play outside all day long, just collecting interesting stones, leaves, and snail shells. You name it.
한번은 부상입은 새를 발견했고, 회복하는 걸 도와주려고 (우리는 그렇게 생각했다) 집으로 데려왔다.
We once found an injured bird and brought it home to help it recover (or we thought like that)
We once found an injured bird and brought it home to help it recover (or so we thought)
우리가 가장 좋아하는 여름의 소리는 우리동네로 오는 아이스크림 트럭이었다
Our favorite summer sound was that of an ice-cream truck heading our way.
Our favorite sound of summer was the sound of the ice-cream truck heading our way.
매일이 계획되지 않았고, 즉흥적인 모험들로 가득 차 있었다.
Everyday was not planned and was full of spontaneous adventures.
Everyday was unplanned and full of spontaneous adventures.
[복습 응용 영작]
너 그 세미나에 네 친구들을 데려올 수 있니?
Can you bring your friends to the seminar?
Can you bring your friends to the seminar?
난 그 유기견을 집에 데려왔어.
I brought the stray dog home.
I brought the abandoned dog home.
너 프라이드 치킨 먹던 거 안 그리워?
Don’t you miss having eaten fried chicken?
Don’t you miss eating fried chicken?
우린 그 공원에 우리 개를 데려가곤 했지.
We would bring our dog to the park.
We would take our dog to the park.
Jane의 에세이는 실수로 가득 차 있었다.
Jane’s essay was full of mistakes.
Jane’s essay was full of mistakes.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 I miss being a child.