[월터의 귀트영 플러스]
(1) show your hand 자신의 계획을 드러내 보이다. You let people know what you’re going to do or what you’re thinking or what you’re planning <-> hold your cards close to your chest
유래: The expression likely comes from card games like poker because the cards that the players hold in their hands while they play card games. Those cards are called hand. So ‘show your hand’ in a card game literally means show your cards to the other players. If the other players can see your cards, they know your position, they know what you’re going to do. And in fact, this expression ‘show your hands’ is also sometimes said as “show your cards”.
an opposite expression. Show your hand means let everybody know your plans or let everybody know what you’re going to do. But if you want to keep something secret, if you don’t want people to know, then the opposite expression is to ‘hold your cards close to your chest’.
예) The coach didn’t want to show his hand and therefore, declined the reporter’s invitation for an interview.
(2) sift rthough
2-1) 체로 거르다; 면밀히 조사하다 to examine/investigate something very carefully in order to decide what is important.
예) The police continued to sift through the wreckage the following yesterday’s bomb attack.
2-2) sift flour in order to remove the large pieces of lumps from the flour. (베이킹)
예 1) Jason sifted flour to remove any lumps before starting to make his homemade pizza dough.
예 2) If you go to the beach, you might sift through the sand to look for coins, rocks, seashells, or other things.
(3) bow out
3-1) 퇴장하다 to stop taking part in an activity, specially an activity in which you’ve been successful.
예) The mayor of town decided to bow out from politics after many year of public service.
3-2) 사직하다 to quit doing something or even leave a place where something is happening.
예) I’m sorry but I have to bow out now. (상황: If you’re at a party and you’d like to leave the party a bit early, you can say to your host, the person who is putting on the party. 파티에서 조금 일찍 나서야할 때, 파티 주최자에게 하는 말)
(3)bow [보우] 나비 매듭 something you tie on gift; 현악기의 활
How to Be a Great Matchmaker 소개팅 주선을 잘하는 방법
There are several ways to be a good matchmaker. First, show your hand early when you meet someone. When you meet a single guy at an event, let him know your intention to set him up. Say something like “you’re great. Let me know how to get in touch with you. I know there’s someone who’s right for you.” Find out what your friends or acquaintances are looking for. That makes easier to shift sift through all the people in your vast social network. Next, explain thoroughly. Always let people know exactly what they’re in for. That way, nobody feels like they’ve been misinformed or mislead.
** 소개팅을 “blind date”보다는 “somebody set us up”라고 한다. 이미 다 조사하고 만나기 때문에 더 이상 blind가 아님.
** matchmaker 소개팅주선자
** matching T shirts 커플티
** matching ring 커플링
** show your hand (도박에서 자신의 패(hand))를 보여주라
** sift through 조사하다; 꼼꼼하게 살펴 추려내다
** what someone is in for 어떠 상황에 처하게 될지
** mislead 속이다; 오해하다
좋은 소개팅 주선자가 될 수 있는 몇가지 방법이 있다. 첫째, 누군가를 만날 때 자신의 의도를 빨리 보여줘라. 어떤 행사에서 미혼 남자를 만났을 때, 소개팅 주선하려는 당신의 의도를 알게 해라. “당신 정말 괜찮은 사람이네요. 연락처좀 알려주세요. 당신에게 딱 맞는 사람을 알고 있어요.” 와 같은 말을 해라. 친구나 지인들이 중요하게 여기는 부분을 파악해라. 방대한 사회적 관계망 안에 있는 모든 사람들을 더 쉽게 추려낼 수 있다. 다음으로, 빠짐없이 설명하라. 항상 사람들에게 그들이 어떤 상황에 처하게 될지 정확하게 알려줘라. 이런 방법으로, 누구도 잘못된 정보를 받거나 속은 것처럼 생각하지 않는다.
Do your best to make sure you have pictures before you try to set someone up. In today’s day and age, people want pics. Thankfully, photos are easy to find on social media. In fact, photos are so easy to find that you can always just tell people to search for each other online. Finally, explain that you’ll bow out for a while after they meet. If you don’t, you might become too entwined in the relationship. This can be not only awkward but can also lead to one or both of them feeling annoyed with you. So, always make sure to pick the right time for your exit.
** bow 인사하다
** bow out (무대에서 인사하고 물러나다) 품격있게/자연스럽게 떠나다/빠지다
** entwine 휘말리다; 엉키다 entangle
** awkward 어색한
누군가에게 소개팅을 주선하려고 하기 전에 사진을 꼭 확보하기 위해서 최선을 다해라. 요즘 같은 시대에, 사람들은 사진을 원한다. 다행히, 소셜 미디어에서 사진을 쉽게 찾을 수 있다. 사실상, 사진은 너무 쉽게 찾을 수 있어서 온라인에서 찾아보라고 사람들에게 항상 그냥 말할 수 있다. 마지막으로, 그들이 만난 후에 본인은 한동안 자연스럽게 빠질거라고 설명해라. 그렇게 하지 않으면, 그 관계에 너무 휘말리게 될지도 모른다. 이것은 어색할 수도 있고, 또한 한사람 또는 둘 모두가 당신에게 짜증을 내는 결과를 초래할 수도 있다. 그러므로 항상 본인이 물러날 적절한 타이밍을 고르도록 해야 한다.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 귀가 트이는 영어 How to Be a Great Matchmaker 소개팅 주선을 잘하는 방법, show your hand, sift (through), bow out 월터의 귀트영 플러스(+)