Category: 영어

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Today is Thursday, the 1st of April. Let me tell you a seret. Today is , what is it?, 만우절, April fool's day.Today is...
S : You don't look so fabulous today, 선생님,.M: Why not?S : Just joking, April Pool's go on strike 파업에 들어가다.The workers went on strike.That...
A: Did you know they took out the word “gullible” from the dictionary?gullible이라는 단어를 사전에서 뺀 거 아니?B: Why would they do that?왜 그런...
more of 와 더 깝다.이지 라이팅은 모든 게 들어간 영어 프로그램에 더 가까워.Easy Writing is more of an English program containin everything.Easy Writing is...


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