Home교육영어21.01.15.금 Military Reserve Force 예비군 _ 입이 트이는 영어

21.01.15.금 Military Reserve Force 예비군 _ 입이 트이는 영어




[Brainstorming] Military Reserve Force, Mandatory, discharge, reserve forces training (예비군 훈련)


Technically speaking, Korea is still at war.  We are in an armistice. That’s why Korean men have to do mandatory military service for about 2 years. But even after being discharged from the military, their military duty isn’t over.

(Ex. I was discharged from the military in 2010)

Dischagred soldiers remain active as members of a reserve forces unit. These reserve forces can be mobilized in case of emergency. Reserve soldiers must receive reserve forces training each year. The training lasts 1 to 3 days. They brush up their battlereadiness and prevent their military skills from getting rusty. The training that a soldier is receiveds is defferent depending on how many years have passed since he was discharged.

The training can be a pain in the neck for individuals, but it’s necessary. The reserve forces are an integral part in maintaining Korea’s military strength. 


Technically speaking, Korea is still at war.

Technically speaking, they haven’t broken up yet.

They can be mobilized in case of emergeny

In case of emergency, call this number. 

They can prevent their military skills from getting rusty.

I played the guitar when I was in college, but I’ve gotten rusty.


A: My son went in for military reserve training yesterday. (I went in for check-up) 

B: He still needs to go for training?

A: This is his last year.

B: Then, will he be exempted starting next year?
A: Next year, he will be active in a civil defence unit.
B: I guess that’s right.



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