Time to bundle up ya`ll. Artic called cold is coming to North America.
And CNN 10 is explaining that is as we are getting get underway this February 4.
I am Carl Azuz.
There is a distinct this thing called the Polar Vortex we`ve told you about before.
According to meteorologists, it’s not accurate to say the polar votexes is come coming and to get you. But it can cause freezing frigid air to invade the continent and that’s exactly what we’ll it will be doing this weekend.
Scientists described the polar votex is as a low–pressure air mask mass that is located near the Europe Earth`s in north and south poles. It keeps the Arctic air burdel bottled up in these areas. But in the winter months, the pole votex can become unstable and allow some of that freezing frigid air to spill south. And a single blast of this arctic air is the main reason why every state in America, all 50 including Hawaii, will see below freezing temperatures on Monday morning.
86% of the country, 235 million people would will be effected affected. Forecasters predict high temperatures in the middle mid-west to be 15 to 20 degrees below normal. Some parts with of consequece Wisconsin could see temperatures of 25 degrees below zero Ferenhent Fahrenheit.
That is one of the 16 days states expected to see sub-zero temperatures on Monday. Meteorologists don’t know how far south the cold air will reach, but some forecaster forecasts can show say cities like Atlanta, Georgia seeing their lowest temperatures in years.
The dangers of all of this, is especially abnorml up north, frostfied *frostbite within 30 minutes if people are outside not wearing === like the right kind of clothing. Freezes and ice jams on rivers are possible. Snow that comes before the cold could icy ice up on roads causing traffic problems. Forecasters say unusually cold conditions are expected to remain in place for the next 10 days.