Home교육영어 입이 트이는 영어 Skincare in the Winter

[2021.02.02. Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Skincare in the Winter




[Brainstorming] flaky skin, itchy skin, moisterizer, humidifier

[Speaking] Talk about winter time skin care.

The air gets very dry in the winter time. Because of the heating, it really gets stuffy and dry inside. In these conditions, it’s very common for one’s skin to dry out or get flaky. People with thermortologist atopic dermatitis or  agzima eczema can specially suffer from itchy skin or skin inflammation.

To prevent dry skin, it’s important to apply moisturizer. In the winter, skincare products like moisturizing creams or ointments are more effective than lotions. You should use a generous amount and massage it into your skin until it is completely absorbed. That way, the moisturizing effect lasts longer.

It’s also good to maintain the temperature and humidity indoors at an appropriate level. This helps prevent dry skin. This is specially more important if there are young children in the household.

*generous 충분한


In these conditions, it’s very common for one’s skin to get flaky.

My skin gets flaky unless I use a lot of moisturizer

When my skin gets flaky, I use this soap.

Certain skincare products are more effective in the winter.

I rarely used skincare products when I was younger.

I don’t think skincare porducts for man aren’t really different

You should use a generous amount of the moisturizer.

I gave her a generous amount of icecream.

The gave us a generous amount of time.



1. 나는 겨울철에 피부에 각질이 쉽게 일어난다. get flaky

My skin gets easily flaky in the winter.

2. 나는 생일 선물로 피부관리 제품을 받았다.

I‘ve got some skincare products for as my a birthday giftpresent.

3. 그녀가 상당한 금액을 기부했다.

She donated a generous amount of money.

4.더 젊을 때는 피부 보습조차 안 했었어

I didn’t even moisturize my skin when I was younger.

5. 실내 온도를 더 낮은 온도로 설정하는 것이 좋겠어 set the thermostat at 

It You would should be good to set the thermostat inside at a lower temperature. 



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