Home교육영어입이 트이는 영어 The Reason I'm hooked on

[2021.02.10. Wed]입이 트이는 영어 The Reason I’m hooked on





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English as a second language

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[Speaking] Talk about why you continue to study with 입트영

I am a working mom with one daughter. I press first decided to learn English because I wanted to go on vacation to Guam with my family. My husband and grey grade-school daughter can’t speak a word of English. Saddly, however, Covid 19 put a hard halt to our travel plans.

Instead, I was lucky after enough to begin studying with 입트영. I have been keeping at it for over a year now. I am hooked on the program because it addresses my questions about how to say things in English. I also use phonebased English programs to try and use the expressions I’ve learned.

The big thing I planned‘ve learned while studying English is that I shouldn’t rush myself. It’s better to treat English as a lifelong friend, having fun as I study it everyday.


My husband and daughter can’t speak a word of English.

I can’t speak a word of English if someone is watching

I couldn’t speak a word of English back then, so I didn’t know what to do.

I am hooked on this radio program.

I think I am hooked on this game.

I was hooked on the show when I was a kid.

The big thing I’ve learned while studying English is that I shouldn’t rush myself.

The big thing is be faithful to each other.


A: How long has it been since we started studying with 입트영?

B: It’s been over a year already. Time flies.

A: You’re right. We started around this time last year.

B: I’m grad that we didn’t quit it call it quits and kept at it.

A: Me too. It really feels rewarding, studying English for half an hour everyday.

B: Now, I look forward to each new 입트영 topic.


1. 내가 거기에 처음 도착했을 때, 영어를 한마디도 못했어

I couldn’t speak a word of English, when I first arrived got there.

When I first got there, I couldn’t speak a word of English.

2. 나는 한동안 태국 음식에 심취했었어

I was hooked on Thai food for a while.

3. 중요한 것이 무엇인지 잊지 않도록 해.

Keep in mind that what the big thing is.

Don’t forget what the big thing is.

4. 작년 이맘때에도 그렇게 추웠었나?

was it that this cold around this time last year, too?

5. 네가 지금 포기하면 나중에 후회하게 될거야

If you call it quits now, you will regret it later on.



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