Home교육영어21.12.31.금 모닝스페셜이 뽑은 2021년 10대 뉴스 Sue & Paul

21.12.31.금 모닝스페셜이 뽑은 2021년 10대 뉴스 Sue & Paul




1. World leaders condemned violent scenes in Washington, where rioters supporting former US President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building in January.
지난 1월, 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 지지자들이 미 의회 의사당 건물에 난입했습니다. 세계 각국의 정상들이 해당 폭력 사태를 규탄했습니다.
Sue 쌤: It really got out of ####
Paul 쌤: It did. This came on the back of turbulance end 2020 in the US where after the election in November Trump was pretty much in ### of when it the came to him losing the election so he was encouraging demonstrative march on the Capitol. Meanwhile, as they were marching, there was an active session of congress certifying Joe Biden’s victory. We had senators’ in the government building, actually having ### to cover hiding their offices. As these very violent protest stormed of the Capitol. ### their way inside cause also to damage and unfortunately severe injury. There were still hearing #### now even in the past couple of weeks. We’re hearing testimony and text messages what was happening, who was doing, who may have been involved. It’s not over yet. I think we’re gonna have to marching(?) to 2022 to find out what really be, will be the results of this action.
Sue 쌤: The president, at that time, Trump, he held a lot of rallies, speeches and people saying he had insighted the volence.
Paul 쌤: Yes, whether you believe that or not, it’s gonna be up to the court to decide. Already some of these protestants have been put in prison for their actions.
2. In February, Myanmar’s army declared it had taken control of the country by coup, hours after it detained Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior political figures.
미얀마 군부가 쿠데타를 일으켜, 아웅산 수치 여사를 비롯한 정치 고위 인사들을 구금하고, 미얀마를 장악했다고 선언했습니다.
Sue 쌤: There was coup d’etat. In English, we normally just shorten it to coup.
Paul 쌤: So, this was quite surprising, certainly shocking the world when suddenly the military took power. They arrested Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader, senior leaders were also detained. And it was all supposedly to do with election fraud. So, state of emergency was decleared for one year, was seen #### of this event. And we’ve seen the shocking state of refugees trying to escape from Myanmar. People have suffered a lot this year.
Sue 쌤: Just a few weeks ago, in fact, we had stories about one of string of trials having been finished regarding Aung San Suu Kyi and the military government in Myanmar. As said, so far she has been found guilty of breaking several laws and regulations and but there’s many more trials to come in. They say that could add up to life in prison.
Paul 쌤: Who knows what’s gonna happen but certainly it’s very turbulent time for that part of the world and a very difficult time for its citizen.
Sue 쌤: ##### a international community condemning all of these trials and, in fact, the military government itself. But that is what happened in Fabruary 2021.
3. A container ship ran aground in March in the Suez Canal after being blown off course by a “gust of wind”, causing a traffic jam of vessels at either end of the international trade artery.
국제 무역의 ‘동맥’으로 알려진 이집트의 수에즈 운하에서, 돌풍으로 항로를 이탈한 컨테이너선이 좌초됐습니다. 사고로 양쪽을 오가는 선박들이 한동안 극심한 정체를 겪었습니다.
Sue 쌤: This was ## known a normal “gust of wind”
Paul 쌤: No, this was no known normal accident, either. This really literally stopped the world from working because the Suez canal is one of the major trade routes.
Sue 쌤: It was incredible, just images like still pictured in my head. This massive vessle was turned and it ###ed the Suea canal.
Paul 쌤: Yes. The vessle is called ### for 400 meter long when 200,000 tons. And it ran aground and got lodge side ways, it took 14 ### to push, pull in, push, pull in to back in this ###. And they were able to move it out of ### traffic going. But the thing is that part of canal when that’s blocked, it’s a big issue because something like 12% of global trades passes through the canal each day. So, one in 10 ships, one in 10 containers has to go through the Suez canal.
Sue 쌤: For Days in days, people didn’t know when the route is gonna be open again, so some of boats and ships would have gone past thinking about going all the way around the African continent. ### stil they wouldn’t have been able to get to their destination, but luckily before too long, they were able to turn the boat around.
Paul 쌤: Yeah, but certainly it gave the internets a lot to talk about. People were just shocked and surprised. I think in the history of Suez canal we’ve never quite had an incident like this. Hopefully, we won’t have one again in 2022.
4. In April, Youn Yuh-jung made Oscar history, with her performance in the film “Minari,” becoming the first Korean and the second Asian to take home an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
영화배우 윤여정 씨가, “미나리”에서의 연기로 아카데미 시상식 역사를 새로 썼습니다. 해당 수상으로 윤여정 씨는 아카데미 여우조연상을 수상한 최초의 한국인이자 두 번째 아시아인이 됐습니다.
Paul 쌤: This was brilliant. The film, I think, is an extraordiary piece of work. And it’s specially effecting for anyone who has been immigrants, who has moved to another country with their family. And Youn Yuh-jung was extraordinary, is this very funny and slightly ### time ## grandmother who had a heart in a right place. What was amazing is she basically swept to the awards. It wasn’t just the Oscars she won the best ## and various ###, and each time she gave a speech, she was so warm, so funny, but also so brutally honest. Like the Oscars, when she said Brad Pitt who had produced the film, “it was the first time for us to meet”
Sue 쌤: Exactly. I think she really want the heart of everyone around the world. I mean Koreans already loved her. International fans, too, now.
Paul 쌤: think that the thing. Here in Korea we all know how amazing she is, what a brilliant performer she is. But the fact that now we get to share her with the world in this way, even better. I know, as far as I’m aware, coming out to 2022, she is performing in an adaptation of Minjin Lee’s Pachinko for streaming service. So the world is gonna be having their eyes on Youn Yuh-jung a little bit more next year, too.
Sue 쌤: I love that. You know, when Adele came out with her new album 30, and she was just about to release her song, ###. She had an interview. And one of the questions was to Adele “What is the best movie you’ve watched this year?” and she said “Minari”
Paul 쌤: That’s amazing. I mean #### fantastic film. If you haven’t seen it, and you’re looking for a bit of weep, a bit of the cry, this is the one to go to a great way to #### 2021.
5. Blue Origin completed its first successful crewed spaceflight last July, with the company’s rocket carrying founder Jeff Bezos and three passengers.
우주 전문 기업인 블루오리진이 첫 유인 우주여행을 성공적으로 끝마쳤습니다. 우주선에는 창립자인 제프 베이조스와 세 명의 승객이 탑승했습니다.
Sue 쌤: This is something that came out of the summer time. What happened?
Paul 쌤: Well, we had Blue Origin on July 20, 2021 sent this rocket up well, sort of, into space. They couldn’t go to moon and back. They were only up there for 11 minutes from launch to landing. But it was a big deal because they are trying to send tourists into space. And this sort of test of a flight means, well, it was successful. It can land reusable rocket. That’s the first time they have been able to do it. And they’ve done it a couple of times more since this year which means, well, if you and I do want to go into space in the near future, we do have a lot of money, then it could actually be a reality.
Sue 쌤: As you said, the start is something new.
Paul 쌤: It is, we shall say that I don’t know whether we’ll get to travel into space in our life ###. But ### news becoming more of the reality before our children or grandchildren, great grandchildren may one day instead of going to the beach, they’ll be heading up into the ###.
6. July 2021 earned the unenviable distinction as the world’s hottest month ever recorded, according to global data released by the National Centers for Environmental Information.
2021년 7월이, 역대 가장 더웠던 달로 기록되는, 달갑지 않은 영예를 얻게 됐다고, 미국 국립환경정보센터가, 통계자료를 인용해 발표했습니다.
7. South Korea defeated world No. 4 Turkey in the women’s volleyball quarterfinals in August at the Tokyo summer Olympics, advancing to the semifinals for the first time since 2012.
우리나라가, 지난 8월에 열린 도쿄 하계올림픽 여자배구 8강전에서, 세계 4위 터키를 꺾고 2012년 이후 처음으로 4강에 진출하는 쾌거를 이룩했습니다.
8. The Taliban claimed victory in Afghanistan in August after its fighters seized the presidential palace and President Ashraf Ghani fled the country.
탈레반 무장세력들이 대통령궁을 장악하고, 아프가니스탄에서 승리를 선언했습니다. 아슈라프 가니 대통령은 아프간에서 탈출했습니다.
9. More than 1 million people tuned in to an event at the United Nations General Assembly in September as BTS took center stage with a video performance and a heartfelt speech.
지난 9월에 열린 UN총회에, 전 세계의 백만 명이 넘는 사람들이 접속해, 방탄소년단의 공연과, 진솔한 연설을 지켜봤습니다.
10. On 24 November, a new, more contagious variant of concern, named Omicron, was first detected in Southern Africa, that made many countries reimpose lockdown again after deciding to live with Covid.
지난 11월 24일, 아프리카 남부에서 오미크론이라는 새로운 코로나 바이러스 변이가 처음 발견됐습니다. 오미크론은 ‘위드 코로나’를 시행하기로 결정했던 많은 국가들이, 재차 봉쇄령을 시행하게 만들었습니다.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 최수진의 모닝스페셜 홈페이지 2021년 12월 31일(금) 방송게시판



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