Home교육영어22.02.11.금 Johnson Outlines Plan for Lifting All Virus Restrictions in England

22.02.11.금 Johnson Outlines Plan for Lifting All Virus Restrictions in England




Johnson Outlines Plan for Lifting All Virus Restrictions in England
Written by Stephen Castle

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain Wednesday to lift remaining coronavirus restrictions within weeks, including the legal requirement for those who test positive to isolate. Speaking in Parliament, Johnson — who is fighting to save his job after a scandal over lockdown parties — said he expected England’s last domestic pandemic rules to end about a month earlier than previously planned, as long as a decline in the number of cases and hospital admissions continued.
영국의 보리스 존슨 총리는 향후 몇주 안에 코로나 확진자들을 격리하는 법적 요건을 포함해서, 이 방역 제한 조치를 완화할 예정이라고 한다. 봉쇄령 가운데 파티를 열었다는 스캔들로 인해 그의 위치가 사수하느라 안간힘을 쓰고 있는 총리는 최근 의회연설에서 확진자와 병원 입원자 수의 감소세가 이어진다면 예정보다 약 한달 일찍 방역 제한조치를 종료할 것으로 기대한다고 말했다.
** as long as a decline in the number of cases and hospital admissions continued. 확진자와 병원 입원자 수의 감소세가 이어지는 한
[예문] As long as you come to work, Morning Special can go ahead. If you didn’t come to work this morning, we wouldn’t have a host. That’ll be very confusing.
[Paul 쌤] Over the past 2 years, when it comes to the pandemic, there have been scientific decisions and there have been political decisions. Both have happened sometimes in conjunctions, sometimes separately. We are at the moment not sure whether this is purely scientific or purely political.
The restrictions were scheduled to expire March 24, but Johnson said he intended to come to Parliament later this month to present a new strategy on living with COVID-19.
영국의 제한은 3월 24일에 종료될 예정이었지만, 존슨 총리는 이 달말 의회에서 with COVID-19에 대한 새로운 전략을 선보일 계획이라고 말했다.
“Provided the current encouraging trends in the data continue, it is my expectation that we will be able to end the last domestic restrictions — including the legal requirement to self-isolate if you test positive — a full month early,” he said.
“통계상 현재의 고무적인 트렌드가 계속된다면, 확진자들이 자가격리하는 법적 요건을 포함하여 최신 제한조치를 한달 일찍 끝낼 수 있을 것이라는 게 나의 예상이다”라고 말했다.
** Provided (접속사) (만약) ~라면
** a full month early 꽉찬 한달
Johnson gave no further details nor did he say whether those who tested positive would still be asked — rather than obliged by law — to avoid contact with others. However, Downing Street later made clear that those who knew they had contracted the virus would still be urged by the government to stay away from work and to avoid infecting others.
총리는 좀 더 구체적으로 이야기하지 않았고, 코로나 확진자들이 법적 의무조치까지는 아니지만 다른 사람과의 접촉을 피하라는 권고를 받게될런지의 여부도 언급하지 않았다. 그러나 당국(Downing Street)은 확진자들에게 출근을 자제하고 다른 사람들에게 감염을 확산시킬 수 있는 상황은 피하도록 하라도 촉구할 것이라는 점을 명확히 했다.
** gave no further details nor did he say 구체적으로 이야기하지 않았고, ~도 언급하지 않았다.
** to stay away from work 사무실로부터 떨어져라 => 출근하지 마라.
That would be similar to the legal situation that applies to the use of face masks. Although they are no long required by law, the government still publishes guidance suggesting their use in crowded and enclosed spaces. It was unclear whether or when such rule changes would apply to Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, which make their own coronavirus rules.
출근 자제, 비대면 조치 등 앞서 언급된 조건은 마스크 착용에 적용되는 법적 상황과 비슷할 것이다. 마스크 착용이 더 이상 법적 의무사항은 아니지만, 정부는 여전히 사람이 많고 밀폐된 공간에서는 마스크 착용을 권고하는 지침을 발표하고 있다. 새로운 지침들이 현재 별도의 코로나 규정을 적용 중인 북아일랜드, 스코틀랜드, 웨일즈에도 적용될 것인지는 분명하지 않다.
** in crowded and enclosed spaces 사람들이 많은 곳이나 밀폐된 공간에서
Given his precarious political position, Johnson might have struggled to persuade his own backbenchers to agree to any extension of the legal requirement to self-isolate. Johnson needs to raise the morale of his backbenchers after weeks of political turmoil over claims that the country’s previous strict coronavirus rules were broken in Downing Street by him and other people who made them.
존슨 총리의 위태로운 정치적 위치를 볼 때, 자가 격리 법적 의무 연장권으로 평의원들을 설득하는 데 어려움을 겪었을 것으로 보이고 있다. 영국이 강력한 봉쇄령을 적용할 당시에 이 봉쇄령을 내리고 주도한 당사자들이 방역지침을 어겼다 라는 사실이 드러나는 바람에 몇주 동안 정치적인 혼란을 겪은 존슨 총리는 평의원들의 사기를 진작시켜야 했다.
** to persuade his own backbenchers 평의원을 설득하다
** raise the morale 사기를 올리다.
** backbenchers 평의원
[Paul 쌤] If you’ve ever seen a picture of the parliament, you may know the government seats on one side and the opposition sits on the other. The important poeple like the prime minister and the cabinet seat on the front bench. And everyone else is behind on the back benches. So, backbenchers are the members of the parliment who are not ministers. They don’t have important positions. Here, the important thing is in UK prime minister isn’t elected. Parties are elected. So, these backbenchers, they can send a letter saying I have no confidence in prime minister. If they receive 54 of those letters, there will a vote against a prime minister. The prime minister doesn’t want that to happen. So, he has to keep his backbenchers happy.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr EBS 최수진의 Morning Special 홈페이지



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