Home교육영어22.01.03.월 Morning Headlines

22.01.03.월 Morning Headlines [EBS 최모스]




1. Here in Korea, proof of vaccination required for entrance to public facilities will only be valid for six months starting today, and can be extended if administered with a booster shot.
오늘부터 국내 다중이용시설 입장을 위한 방역 패스에, 6개월 간의 유효기간이 적용됩니다. 방역 패스의 효력은 3차접종을 해야 유지될 수 있습니다.
** proof of vaccination required for entrance to public facilities 다중이용시설 입장/이용을 위한 증명서 (방역 패스)
** if administered with a booster shot 부스터샷/3차접종을 하면
** Ray 쌤: It’s so-call vaccine pass. It’s required to people to enter public facilities such as resturants, cafes, movie theaters, cram schools, and other indoor facilities. The measure will also be applied to the department stores and large discount chain stores, starting next Monday January 10th. So, there’s a 7-day grace period(일주일 간의 계도 기간) for that. And the government also said they plan to fine or take administrative actions against violators after this 7-day grace period.
** Sue 쌤: Basically, you’ll have to get your booster shot. I guess every 6 months.
** Ray 쌤: That’s what it seems like. You’re gonna be required to #### ### ### valid for 6 months. That’s primary ###, then if you get your booster shot. My understanding is that it’ll be another 6 months you get your booster shot. And any unvaccinated people who want to enter such facilities that we mentioned here, they will have to present a negative covid test that is issued within 48 hours.
2. An unidentified person crossed the eastern inter-Korean land border into North Korea on Saturday, according to South Korea’s military, but authorities had remained unaware of the border breach for several hours.
우리 군 당국은, 신원 미상의 인물이 지난 1월 1일 밤, 동부 전선 철책을 넘어 월북했다고 밝혔습니다. 당국은 해당 월북 사실을 몇 시간 동안 인지하지 못하고 있던 걸로 드러났습니다.
** an unidentified person crossed the eastern inter-Korean land border = 신원미상인 한 사람이 동쪽에 있는 최전방 철책을 넘어갔다
** unidentified flying object = UFO
** Ray 쌤: That’s why they assumed this person had entered North Korea from. So this person #### #### able to invade the ### for several hours despite search operation by South Korean troops. So, once they found out of this, they sent a search party, but they still were not able to find this person. Military chiefs in Seoul said that they didn’t know of the person still alive when they gave this interview. But they said they had sent a message to North Korea asking this person to be protected because North Korea actually has a shoot on site policy that they implement during the pandemic. So, they see someone crossing the border, they just shoot them right ### without asking any questions.
** Sue 쌤: Unclear this time what has happened or what’s become obvious an unidentified person. All we know is that someone crossed the border.
** Ray 쌤: It happened. That’s all we know.
3. The head of the World Health Organization says he is optimistic the Covid pandemic will be defeated in 2022, provided countries work together to contain its spread.
세계보건기구 WHO 사무총장이, 세계 각국이 힘을 합쳐 코로나 확산을 억제해 나간다면, 올해에 코로나 대유행이 종식될 수 있을 걸로 낙관한다고 말했습니다.
** he is optimistic the Covid pandemic will be defeated 코로나 대유행이 (올해에는) 정복될 것이라고, 낙관적으로 보고있다
** provided countries work together 각국이 합심한다면, 함께 노력한다면
** Sue 쌤: We all hope he is right. We want this pandemic to be defeated. And WHO chief said ### is possible but there’s a condition. We all have to work together.
** Ray 쌤: That’s the big thing here. As now, the covid global cases stand around 287 million, nearly 5 an half million people have died. But despite of this, Dr. ### ### said he was somewhat positive in his New Year speech. He did know now there are many more tools and availables to treat COVID-19. That’s a good thing. He did warn a continuing inequity in vaccine distribution is increasing the risk of virus evolving. That’s what we see in Omicron. He said that neo-nationalism and vaccine holding by some countries have undermined ###. And this is the key part here to create the ideal conditions for the emergency of the Omicron variant. And he said if we ### ### this inequity continues, what’s gonna happen is now there is a higher risks of the virus evolving again. And in ways that they can’t prevent ####, that’s obviously quite scary
4. The United States has warned Russia of a tough response to any invasion of Ukraine, while President Vladimir Putin has said anti-Moscow sanctions would be a “colossal mistake.”
미국이, 러시아가 우크라이나를 침공한다면 강경 대응하겠다고 경고하고 나섰습니다. 푸틴 대통령은, 미국의 러시아 제재는 “거대한 실수”가 될 것이라며 응수했습니다.
** anti-Moscow sanctions would be a “colossal mistake.” 러시아에 제재를 가하는 것은 ‘거대한, 엄청난 실수’가 될 것이다
** Ray 쌤: President Joe Biden just actually spoke with Ukraine president ### and he expressed support. This is against backdrop of Russia’s military build up near the country’s border. Biden also apparently reviewed plans for the diplomatic moves aimed to help de-escalate the situation in the region. Biden talked ### last week he had spoken to Putin on the phone. He had ### a phone call last week. And he reiterated Putin that Russia can not invade Ukraine. He urged to ### lower tension and also mentioned that when it comes to sanctions, everything is on the table.
** Sue 쌤: Absolutely. But Russia is saying even though it’s denying that it plans to attack Ukraine, it also said if you attack or if you apply any kind of sanction to Russia, then that’ll be a big mistake.
** Ray 쌤: Right. It’s not saying what that’s gonna entail, but he’s saying it’s gonna be a huge mistake.
5. Indonesia, the world’s biggest exporter of thermal coal, has announced it is banning exports of the fuel in January in a move aimed at safeguarding its domestic power supply.
세계 최대 전력용 석탄 수출국인 인도네시아가, 자국의 안정적인 전력 공급을 위해, 1월 한달 간 석탄 수출을 전격 금지한다고 발표했습니다.
** in a move aimed at safeguarding its domestic power supply 자국의 전력 수급을 안전하게 확보하기 위한 조치로
** Sue 쌤: Indonesia exports thermal coal, Korea is one of the importers. So, Korea will be affected by this. Give us the details.
** Ray 쌤: Absolutely. So rising demand for electricity in Indonesia has actually, there is an increasing risk of widespread blackouts. And that’s ### more supplies are devoted to power stations. Now this temporary export ban, the ministry of Energy and mineral resources, they’re saying this is gonna prevent almost 20 power plants in the country from shutting down. Indonesia exports, the majority ### but the government mandates that producers must set aside a certain amount to supply the nation’s power plants. And it’s about 25%.
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