as a result, 결과로서
as a result of [something]의 결과로
결과적으로 그는 도로 30 파운드가 쪘다.
As a result, he’s got 30 pounds back.
As a result, he put 30 pounds back on.
결과적으로 그 비행기는 이륙하는 데 실패했다.
As a result, the plane failed to take off.
As a result, the plane failed to take off.
결과적으로, 경제가 붕괴됐다.
As a result, the economy got collapsed.
As a result, the economy collapsed.
parent 부모 중 한 명
the best 최선
become ~되다
세린쌤: When you were little, what did you want to become?
마유쌤: Super man
crucial 중대한 (없으면 안 되는)
upbringing 훈육방식
around 주위에 있는
childhood 어린 시절
예)Did you have a good childhood?
예)Tell me about your childhood.
kid 아이
back in the day 예전에는
예전에는 우린 그냥 아이들이었어.
Back in the day, we were just kids.
Back in the day, we were just kids.
예전에는 그들은 작은 아파트에 살 곤했어.
Back in the day, they used to live in a small apartment.
Back in the day, they used to live in a small apartment.
all the time 매번 (*꾸준히 반복적으로 하는 행동)
그녀는 매번 자신이 얼마나 부자인지에 대해 자랑해.
She boasts how wealthy she is all the time.
She brags about her wealth all the time.
왜 이래요? 저 여기 매번 와요.
What’s up? I come here all the time.
Come on. I come here all the time.
reflect on [명사]를 깊게 생각하다.
그는 앉아서 그의 행동을 깊게 생각했다.
He sat and reflected on his behavior.
He sat down and reflected on his behavior.
그녀는 조용히 그녀의 과거를 깊게 생각했다.
She quietly reflected on her past.
She quietly reflected on her past.
[Five Golden Sentences]
부모로서 난 내 아이들을 위한 최고를 원한다.
As a parent, I want the best for my children.
As a parent, I want the best for my children.
하지만 예전엔
However, back in the day,
However, back in the day,
그 최고라는 게 매번 그들을 행복하게 해주는 걸 의미한다고 생각했다.
I thought “the best” meant to keep them happy all the time.
I thought “the best” meant keeping them happy all the time.
부모가 되면
When you become a parent,
When you become a parent,
자신이 겪은 훈육방식을 깊게 생각해보는 게 매우 중요하다고 생각한다.
I think it’s crucial to reflect on your own upbringing.
I think it’s crucial to reflect on your own upbringing.
우리 부모님은 항상 일하셨고,
My parents worked all the time,
My parents worked all the time,
결과적으로 많은 일에 대해 내 주위에 계실 수 없었다.
and as a result, they weren’t able to be around for many things.
and as a result, they weren’t able to be around for a lot of things.
이런 나의 어린 시절 때문에
Because of my childhood,
Because of my childhood,
난 내 아이들에게는 다른 부류의 부모가 되고 싶었다.
I wanted to become a different type of parents to my kids.
I wanted to be a different kind of parent to my own kids.
난 내 커리어에 대해 깊게 생각했어.
I reflected on my career.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리(1) If you truly want the best for your children