Home교육영어21.03.05.금 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 MAYU’s Diary: My mother’s birthday is...

21.03.05.금 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 MAYU’s Diary: My mother’s birthday is co




mean to [V]: [V]할 셈이다.
I mean to buy her something so very special.
We mean to have a wonderful party for him.
->We mean to throw an awesome party for him.
I meant to do the dishes but I forgot.
surprise, photo studio, elementary school,
dress옷을 입히다, 옷을 입다, suit, oneself,
looking back, entire life(my entire life)
coming up
My parents’ 40th anniversay is coming up.
My sister’s wedding is coming up.
have/get 목적어 pp: 목적어를 pp 되게끔하다.
She had her wedding dress made in France.
I had my car washed twice this week.
come to think of it 생각해보니(뭔가를 깨달은 느낌)
I come to think of it, there is some money in my account.
-> Come to think of it, I have some cash in my account.
Come to think of it, she even didn’t appear that day.
->Come to think of it, she didn’t even show up that day.
어머니의 생신이 다가오고 있고, 올해는 뭔가 특별한 것으로 어머니를 놀라게 해드릴 셈이다.
My mother’s birthday is coming up, and I mean to surprise her with something special this year.
사진관에서 가족 사진을 찍을까 생각 중이다.
I am considering have family photo taken at a photo studio.
I am thinking of having family photos taken at a photo studio.
생각해보니, 우리가 사진관에서 사진을 찍은 마지막이 내가 초등학생이었을 때이다.
Come to think of it, the last time we had ourselves taken at a photo studio was when I was in elementary school.
Come to think of it, the last time we got photos taken at a studio was when I was in elementary school.
어머니가 직접 만드신 정장을 나에게 입혀주신 게 기억난다.
I remember how she dressed me the suit she made.
I remember how she dressed me in a suit that she made herself.
되돌아보니, 그건 여태껏 입어본 내 평생 최고의 정장이었다.
Looking back, it was the best suit I’ve ever put on
Looking back, it was the best suit I’ve ever worn in my entire life.
[QUIZ] They mean to takeover us.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 MAYU’s Diary: My mother’s birthday is coming up.



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