S:Hello everyone and welcome back to the program.
Hello 선생님! My fabulous co-host! How are you doing?
M: Good! How are you doing?
S: I am doing great. 선생님! What are we gonna be doing today?
over [나이] <-> under [나이]
Only students over 15 are allowed to admitted.
Only students over 15 will be admitted.
If you are over 18, you can vote.
Children under 10 can not watch this movie.
likely(He is likely to come to the party. 50%이상의 확률)
the FDA, dose복용량, priority, personnel, senior, pharmaceutical
as 부사 as 주어 can
Eat as much as you can
I run the pedals as fast as I could
I pedaled as quickly as I could
adhere to [N] 따르다/지키다.
They couldn’t adhere to our agreement.
They failed to adhere to our agreement.
We adhere to this principle for many reasons.
Whatsoever 조금도
I don’t have respect for you whatsoever.
I have no respect for you whatsoever.
They haven’t made mistakes whatsoever
They have no made mistakes whatsoever.
[Today’s 5 Golden Sentences]
( ) 는 좋은 소식을 아마 likely 들어보셨을 겁니다.
You may have heard
You have likely heard the good news
(FDA에 의해 COVID-19 백신들이 승인되었다)
that COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by the FDA
that COVID-19 vaccines have been apporved by the FDA.
초기 투여분은 의료서비스직원과 65세 이상 고령자 같은 우선 그룹이 사용할 수 있게 될 겁니다.
The initial dose will be able to used for priority groups like medical service personnel and over 65 seniors.
Initiall dose will be available to priority groups such as healthcare personnel and seniors over 65.
제약/제조사들이 최대한 빠르게 백신을 유통하기 위해 24시간 내내 일하고 있습니다.
Pharmaceutical companies are working for 24 hours to distribute the vaccines as quickly as they can.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are working around the clock to distribute the vaccine as quickly as they can. 본인 차례를 기다리면서
While waiting for your turn,
While waiting for your turn,
사회적 거리두기 지침을 계속해서 따라주세요.
please continue to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
please continue to adhere to the social distancing guidelines.
국민건강보험이 백신을 커버하기 때문에
Your national health insurance covers the vaccine,
Your national healthcare insurance covers the vaccine,
본인이 부담할 비용은 조금도 없을 것입니다.
so there will be no cost on you.
so there will be no cost to you whatsoever. [Quiz] We hire students only over 16.