have been [~ing]: [~ing] 해오고 있다.
MAYU has been hosting the Easy Writing for years.
It has been snowing for 3 weeks. (S: Are we in the North Pole?)
Serina has been teaching English since 2008.
copyrights, royalty (royalty fees), monetize,
legal, dispute, testimonial, trial, no-brainer
for 가격/얼마 (at: 변동있는 경우-주식)
I bought the computer for $300.
You can eat anything on the menu even for $9.
For only $9, you can eat anything on the menu.
get access to [N]: [N]에 대한 접근 권한을 가지다
You can get access to more than 100,000 photos.
You can get access to over 100,000 pictures.
You can get the entire access to the video.
You can get full access to all the vidoes.
[N]-free: [N]가 없는
Fat-free milk is good for you.
Sugar-fee drinks are healthier.
여러분의 영상에 멋진 노래를 추가하고 싶지만, 저작권 문제issue를 어찌해야할지 모르시겠나요?
Do you want to add some great songs to your videos, but don’t know what to do with copyrights matters?
Do you want to add cool songs to your videos but don’t know what to do about copyright issues?
이제 월 겨우 10 달러에 30,000곡 이상의 저작권 사용료 없는 노래를 전부 누리실 수 있습니다.
Now for only $10 a month, you can get full access to over 30,000 royalty-free songs.
저희가 가진 모든 노래에 대한 권리를 저희가 소유하고 있기 때문에 여러분은 저작권 걱정없이 본인의 영상으로 수익을 창출할 수 있습니다.
You can monetize through your videos without worrying about legal dispute over royalty because we own all the rights to every song we have
You can monetize your vidoes without worrying about copyright because we own all the rights to every song we have.
수만명의 인플루언서들이 아무런 법적 분쟁 없이 저희 서비스를 이용해오고 있습니다.
Tens of thousands of influencers have been using our service without any legal disputes.
추천글들을 읽고 3일간의 무료체험판을 신청하세요. 쉬운 결정이 될 겁니다.
Read our testimonials and apply for 3 day trial edition. It’s going to be no-brainer
Read our testimonials and sign up for a 3–day free trial. It will be a no-brainer.