Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 12th of March.
Other any questions you didn’t fill in in the book this week.
Please go over the missed questions and looks at expressions that you have learnt.
Why you have do that? Because we’re going to learn another new expression that you shouldn’t miss today.
긴장을 너무 많이 했을 때?
직역: 나는 뱃속에 나비를 가졌다.
의역: 떨려; 긴장되다; 가슴이 조마조마하다; (막 연애를 시작했을 때)
A: 너의 부모님을 만나는데
I’m going to meet your parents
I’m meeting your parents
나 너 무 떨려.
and I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
and I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
B: 너무 긴장하지 마.
Don’t be so nervous.
Don’t be a bundle of nerves.
** a bundle of 꾸러미
** a bundle of nervous 한 가득한 긴장 => 바짝 긴장한 사람; 초조해 하는 사람
A: 나는 연설을 하기 전에 항상 마음이 너무 떨려요.
I’ve always got butterflies in my stomach before speech.
I’ve always got butterflies in my stomach before making a specch.
B: 그럼 웃어요.
Then smile.
Then smile.
좋은 미소는 자신감을 갖게 하죠.
A good smile will give you self-confidence.
Having a good smile makes you confident.
[Step By Step]
그는 새 직장에서 오전 내내 너무 떨었어.
He had butterflies in his stomach all the morning at his new job.
He had butterflies in his stomach all morning at his new job.
솔직히 난 (널 볼 때마다) 너무 떨려.
Frankly speaking, I’ve got butterflies in my stomach
Frankly, I’ve got butterflies in my stomach
(널 볼 때마다)
whenever I look at you.
every time I look at you.
나는 너무 떨리곤 했어.
I used to get butteflies in my stomach
I used to have butterflies in my stomach
학교 시험 전에
before school exams.
before school examinations.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 10분 후에 너의 부모님을 만나는 데,
I’m meeting your parents in 10 minutes
나 너무 떨려.
and I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
B: 너무 긴장할 필요 없어.
You don’t need to be a bundle of nerves.
A: 나는 무대에 오르기 전에 항상 마음이 너무 떨려요.
I’ve always got butterflies in my stomach before going on stage.
B: 그럼, 웃어요. 멋진 미소는 자신을 갖게 하죠.
Then, smile. A wonderful smile makes you confident.
출처EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. 나 너무 떨려.
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