Home교육영어22.03.11.금 Easy Writing 대사: The Good Place (2) Who on Earth are...

22.03.11.금 Easy Writing 대사: The Good Place (2) Who on Earth are you, Eleanor?




scare [목적어] into [~ing] = 겁줘서 ing하게 만들다.
talk [목적어] into [~ing] = 를 설득하다.
그녀는 날 겁줘서 그녀에게 내 티켓을 팔게끔 만들었어.
She scared me into selling my ticket to her.
She scared me into selling my ticket to her.
그들은우리를 겁줘서 그 멤버십에 가입하게끔 만들었어.
They scared us into singing up for the membership.
They scared us into singing up for the membership.
그는 그 노인을 겁줘서 그 보험 상품을 사게끔 했어.
He scared the old man into buying the insurance plan.
He scared the old man into buying the insurance plan.
orphan 고아 orphanage 고아원
volunteer 봉사하다; 봉사자
the Peace Corps 평화봉사단
spit 침을 뱉다; 침
medicine 약
senior 노인
technically 엄밀히 따지면 (의견을 추가할 때)
elderly 연세가 있는
decide not to [동사]하지 않기로 결정하다.
난 그 일자리 제안을 받아들이지 않기로 결정했어.
I decided not to take the job offer.
I decided not to accept the job offer.
우린 그 계획을 진행시키지 않기로 결정했어.
We have decided not to develop the plan.
We have decided not to go ahead with the plan.
for a living 생계를 위해; 먹고 살기 위해
What do you do for a living? 무슨 일 하세요?
니 새 남자친구는 뭐 먹고 살아?
What does your new boyfriend do for a living?
What does your new boyfriend do for a living?
내 아들은 생계를 위해 스페인어를 가르쳐.
My son teaches Spanish for a living.
My son teaches Spanish for a living.

be good at [~ing]하는 것을 잘하다.
난 이것저것을 설명하는 것을 잘해.
I’m good at explaining bits and bobs.
I’m good at explaining things.
그는 중고 자동차를 잘 팔아.
He’s good at selling used cars.
He’s good at selling used cars.
[Five Golden Sentences]
치디 Chidi
그러니깐 네 말은 ( )는거네.
Let me get this straight,
Let me get this straight,
(넌 절대 고아들을 구하거나)
so you’ve never saved orphans
so you never rescued orphans
(평화봉사단에서 자원봉사한 적 없다)
or not volunteered in the Peace Corps.
or not volunteered in the Peace Corps.

엘레노아 Eleanor
이렇게 설명해볼게.
Well, let me put it this way
Well, let me put it this way
내가 여태껏 인생에서 해본 가장 착한 일은
The best thing I’ve ever done in my life is
The nicest thing I’ve ever done in my life is
(내 직장 상사의 커피에 침을 ( ) 안 뱉은 거야)
when I decided not to spit into my boss’s coffee
when I decided not to spit into my boss’s coffee
(뱉을 수 있었는데도)
even though I could.
even though I could’ve.
치디 Chidi
No way
여기 오기 전에 뭘로 먹고 살았는데?
What did you do for a living before coming here?
What did you do for a living before coming here?
엘레노아 Eleanor
노인들에게 약을 팔곤 했지.
I used to sell medicine to senior.
I used to sell medicine to seniors.
엄밀히 따지면, 효과가 없었으니깐 약이라 부르진 않을게.
Well, I’m not going to call it medicine
Well, I wouldn’t call it medicine
because technically it didn’t work,
because it didn’t technically work,
적어도 파는 건 잘했지.
but at least I was good at selling it.
but at least I was good at selling it.
치디 Chidi
Just moment,
Wait a minuite,
연세있는 분들을 겁줘서 가짜 약을 사게 했단 말이야?
so you scared the elderly into buying fake medicine?
so you scared the elderly into buying fake medicine?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 미드 대사: The Good Place (2) Who on Earth are you, Eleanor? 엘레노아, 너 도대체 누구니?



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