name [목적어] after [명사]: [명사]를 따서 [목적어]를 이름짓다
He named his son after a famous pro-wrestler.
We want to name our child after the opera singer.
She named her dog after her boss.
congratulations, birth, baby girl,
amazing, I know, actress
the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
[명사]와 붕어빵: The spitting image of [명사]
Serina’s daughter is the spitting image of her mom.
People say that Mayu is the spitting image of Tritha
how [형용사]: 엄청 [형용사]하다.
how unbelieveable.
How incredible.
How stupid 얼마나 한심한가
How pathetic
yet 아직
Haven’t you been there yet? 아직 거기에 도착 안 했어?
Are you there yet?
Did you call her yet? 너 아직 그녀에게 전화 안 했어?
Have you called her yet?
M: 어~ 딸아이의 탄생을 축하해.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl.
Congratulations on the birth of your new baby girl.
방금 보고 왔는데, 자기 아빠랑 붕어빵이더라. 엄청 놀라워
I’ve just seen her and she is the spitting image of her father.
I just saw her and she is the spitting image of her daddy.
How amazing!
S: 글쎄, 부전자전이라는 말도 있잖아
Well, you know what they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
M: 내 말이. 그래서 이름은 아직 없어?
I know, so does she have a name yet?
S: 아직없어. 남편이 유명한 여배우의 이름을 따서 이름을 짓고 싶어해
Not yet. My husband wants to name her after a famous actress.
[Quiz]My boyfriend named his cat after a cartoon character.