a [명사] major: [명사] 전공자이다.
저는 화학전공자입니다.
I’m a chemistry major.
I’m a chemistry major.
넌 영어 전공자니 아니면 한국어 전공자니?
Are you an English major or a Korean major?
Are you an English major or a Korean major?
저희 남편은 심리학 전공자예요.
My husband is a phychology major.
My husband is a phychology major.
job-search 구직
major 전공
recently 최근에
clothing company 의류회사
reject 거부하다
overqualified 필요 이상의 자격을 갖춘
luck 운
cosmestics 화장품
cosmestic product 화장품 (가산명사)
cosmetics 화장품의 (형용사)
How is [명사] coming along? [명사]는 어떻게 되어가고 있어?
너의 과학 프로젝트는 어떻게 되어가고 있니?
How is your science your project coming along?
How is your science your project coming along?
그 준비들은 어떻게 되어가고 있나요?
How are the preparations coming along?
How are the preparations coming along?
apply to [명사]에 지원하다
apply for [명사를 얻으려고] 지원하다
You apply for a job.
You apply to a company.
세리나는 EBS 에 지원했어.
Serina applied to EBS.
Serina applied to EBS.
난 최근에 자동차 제조사에 지원했어.
I recently applied to a car manufacturer.
I recently applied to a car manufacturer.
hear from [목적어]에게서 소식을 듣다.
저는 당신에게서 소식 듣는 것을 고대해요.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
나 있잖아. 한동안 케빈에게서 소식을 들은 적이 없어.
I haven’t heard from Kevin for a while.
I haven’t heard from Kevin in a while.
[Five Golden Sentences]
그래, 구직은 잘 되어 가고 있어?
So, how is your job search coming along?
So, how is yoru job search coming along?
그렇게 잘 되고 있지 않아.
It’s not that good.
Not so well.
내가 패션 디자인 전공자라 선택권이 많이 없어.
I’m a fashion design major so I don’t have many options.
I’m a fashion design major so I don’t have many choices.
최근에 의류회사에 지원했는데,
I recently applied to a clothing company
I recently applied to a clothing company
필요이상의 자격을 갖췄다고 해서 거절당했어.
but they rejected me for being overqualified
but they rejected me for being overqualified
** reject = turn down, turn down가 더 부드러운 느낌
(회사 측에서 거절할 때)
I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to turn your offer(you) down.
넌 어때? 여태 운이 좀 있긴 했어?
How about you? Have you had any luck yet?
What about you? Have you had any luck yet?
몇일 전에 마유코스메틱스랑 면접이 있었어.
I had a job interview with MAYU cosmetics the other day.
I had a job interview with MAYU cosmetics a few days ago.
그쪽에서 소식을 들으면 좋겠어.
I hope I hear from them.
I hope I hear from them.
나는 니가 경제학 전공자인 줄알았어.
I thought you’re an economics major.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr Easy Writing 대화: 대학 졸업생들의 취업 고민 (1) Two recent college graduates trying to find a job.