Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Weekly Review on Saturday on 3rd of April.
Weekends are an important to unplug from the day today and get a chance to think more deeply about your life.
I do know you’re going to unplug this weekend.
But before that, stay with me for 20 minutes.
2021.03.29.월 It’s my treat. 내가 낼게요.
A: 이번에는 제가 낼게요. 제가 계산 할 수 있게 해주세요.
It’s my treat this time. Let me take the bill.
It’s my treat this time. Please let me pay the bill.
B: 지키지 못할 약속하지 마세요.
Don’t promise to the moon.
당신의 신용카드가 여러번 승인거절된 거 알고 있어.
I know your credit card has been rejected to approve several times.
I know your credit card has been declined several times.
A: 그녀가 쏜다고 약속했는데, 가게 주인이 내는 거였어
She promised that it’s her treat but it was on the house.
B: 걔는 진짜 돈을 절약하는 벙법을 아는구나 does.
She really knows how to save money.
She does know how to save money indeed.
2021.03.30.화 Snap out of it. 정신 차려.
A: 지난 2년간이 내겐 힘들었어요.
The last two years haven’t been easy for me
These last couple of years haven’t been easy for me.
B: 너가 낙담한 건 알겠는데, 정신차려.
I know you’re downhearted, but snap out of it.
A: 우울해 보이네. 정신차리지.
You look depressed. Snap out of it.
You have a long face. Snap out of it.
B: 고마워.
그런데 내가 왜 우울한지 물어보기 조차 안 하네.
but you even don’t ask me why I’m depressed.
but you’re not even asking me why I’m depressed.
2021.03.31.수 Don’t make a song and dance about it. 그 일에 호들갑 떨지 마.
A: 그것에 대해서 호들갑 떨지 마.
Don’t make a song and dance about it.
대한민국에서 군복무는 의무야.
Military service is duty in Korea.
Military service is mandatory in South Korea.
B: 니가 날 이해하려고 좀 해줄래?
Please try to understand me.
Just try to understand me.
A: 우리 그냥 점심 먹으러 가는 go out to lunch건데,
We’re going to just have lunch,
We’re just going out to lunch,
너 이일에 호들갑 떨지 마.
so don’t make a song and dance about this.
so don’t make a song and dance about it.
B: 왜 안되는데? 지금 우리 사진을 올려야 한다고.
Why not? I’ve got to upload our photo now.
Why not? I’ve got to post our picture now.
** post 올리다 publish something such as a message or a picture on a website or using social media.
2021.04.01.목 Take pot luck. 운에 맡겨
A: 돈이 없다면, 운에 맡기시죠.
If you haven’t got money, take pot luck.
B: 말도 안돼.
It doesn’t make sense.
A: 나는 결정을 잘 못 하 indecisive기 때문에, 운에 맡길거야.
I’m not good with decisions, so I’m going to take pot luck.
I’m going to take pot luck because I’m indecisive.
B: 그게 니 한계야.
That’s as far as you can go.
니가 진짜 원하는 수업을 선택하라고,
Choose the class you really want.
Choose the course you actually wnat.
2021.04.02.금 I just winged it. 그냥 즉흥적으로 했어.
A: 너의 노래는 내가 들어본 것 중에서 최악이야.
Your singing is the worst I’ve ever heard.
Your song is the worst thing I’ve ever heard.
더 들을 필요 없어.
No need to listen more.
Mic drop.
B: 왜 그래?
Why not?
Come on.
그 부분을 연습 안 해서 그냥 즉흥적으로 했다고,
I just winged it because I haven’t practiced the part.
I haven’t practiced the part, so I just winged it.
A: 그는 정말 훌륭한 웅변가야.
He is really an excellent speaker.
He is indeed a great orator.
그는 그냥 즉흥적으로 말해.
I’m telling you. He just winges it.
B: 무례하려고 한 건 아닌데, 그는 프롬프터가 있어.
I’m not being funny, but he has a prompter.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 2021.03.29 ~ 2021.04.02