Home교육영어21.04.13.화 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 콘테스트 I love to join your...

21.04.13.화 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: [이지 라이팅] 콘테스트 I love to join your group.




bend over backward 엄청 애를 썼다.
(*몸을 뒤로 구부리다 -> 엄청 노력하다)
I bent over backward to satisfy those guests.
I bent over backward to satisfy the customers.
David bent over backward to please Annie’s parents.
Mayu and Serina always bend over backward to help people learn.
contest, jealous질투하다(I am so jealous/jeally)
fabulous 멋진, better 더 잘,
room여유/공간/자리(Is there room in the car? 무관사)
join, squeeze someone in 끼워주다
ask 물어보다 (ask someone 누구에게 물어보다)
place first = 1등 하다
Serina placed first at Yoga contest.
Serina placed first in the Yoga competition.
니가 1등을 할리가 없어
You must not place first.
There is no way you place first.
(There is no way 그럴리가 없어/말도 안돼)
thanks to [명사] [명사]덕분에
I followed my heart thanks to Serina’s advice.
Thanks to you, now everybody knows my secret.
Let me see if I can [동사원형]: [동사원형]할 수 있는지 볼께
Let me see if I can get you some free tickets.
Let me see if I can fill the hole.
Let me see if I can patch this hole.
[Five Golden Sentences]
너희 스터디 그룹이 EW 스터디 그룹 콘테스트에서 1등을 했다고 들었어.
I heard your study group placed first in the EW study group contest.
I am jealous of you.
모두 우리 멋진 리더 앨리슨 덕분이야.
It`s all thanks to our fabulous leader Allison.
우리가 더 잘 공부하게 도와주려고 엄청 애를 썼어.
She bent over backward to help us better study.
She bent over backward to help us study better.
(*better 부사)
음~~ 한명 더 들어갈 여유가 있을 것 같니?
Well, do you think there is room for another one?
Well, do you think there is room for one more?
나 너희 그룹에 정말 합류하고 싶어
I love to join your group.
널 끼워줄 수 있는지 볼께.
Let me see if I can squeeze you in.
내가 내일 앨리슨에게 물어볼께
I will ask Allison tomorrow.
그들은 제품을 팔기 위해 엄청 애를 썼다.
They bent over backward to sell their products.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: [이지 라이팅] 콘테스트 I love to join your group.



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