Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 13th of April.
Are you sttuggling to beat the Monday blues?
Here is your dose of motivation and excitement of your daily work schedule.
That means stay tuned and listen to posh accent, speak out with me.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.
A: 몸이 찌뿌둥 under the weather 해.
I feel ____.
I’m feeling under the weather.
하루 쉬어도 될까?
Can I take a day off?
Can I take a day off?
B: 부장님한테 여쭤봐. 시도해 볼 만해.
Ask the boss. It’s worth a try.
Ask your boss. It’s worth a try.
A: 오늘 하루 힘들었어.I had a long day today.
Today was a long day.
그래서 늦잠 자고 싶어.
So I want to wake up late.
So I really want to sleep in.
B: 하지만 일찍 일어나 볼만해.
But it’s worth getting up early.
But it’s worth getting up early.
** sleep in (알람 끄고 자의로) 늦잠 자다
** over sleep (실수로) 늦잠 자다.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
여기 일정을 확인해 볼만 해.
It’s worth checking this schedule.
It’s worth checking out the schedule here.
만약 너가 그 주제에 관심이 있다면,
if you are interested in the topic.
if you are interested in the topic.
나는 그 춤에 익숙하지 않지만,
I’m not familiar with the dance
I’m not familiar with the dacne
나름 시도해볼만게 들리는데.
It sounds it’s worth a try to me
Sounds like it’s worth a try to me
거기서 먹어볼만 해.
It’s worth eating there
It’s worth eating there
만약 너가 경기를 볼 계획이라면,
if you’re planning to watch the game.
if you’re planning to watch a match.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 오늘 몸이 찌뿌둥해.
I’m feeling under the weather today.
조퇴해도 될까?
Can I take the rest of the day off?
B: 매니저에게 물어봐. 시도해볼만 해.
Ask your manager. It’s worth a try.
A: 힘든 하루였어.
It was really a tough day.
그래서 늦잠 자고 싶어.
So I really want to sleep in.
B: 늦잠을 한 번 자볼만 해.
It’s worth sleeping in.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It’s worth a try. 시도해 볼 만해.