Home교육영어20.04.14.화 It runs in the family. 그것은 집안 내력이야. 권주현의 진짜 영국...

20.04.14.화 It runs in the family. 그것은 집안 내력이야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어




Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 14th of April.
The 14th of every month is a special holiday in South Korea.
Today is Black day, an unofficial holiday observed on April 14th each year and mostly observed in South Korea by singles.
Enjoy your day and it’s time to hit the books.
Learn posh accent with me and read out loud, so that you can speak English like a native.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.

** 직역: 그것은 가족 안에 흐른다.
** run 달리다;~에 흐르다; 쭉 내려온다
** 의역: 그것(능력/재능/외모)은 집안 내력이다.
A: 빅뉴스가 하나 있어.
One big news.
I have a big news.
너희 엄마가 쌍둥이를 임신했어.
Your mom got pregant with twins.
Your mother is expecting twins.
B: 우리 집안 내력이잖아요.
It runs in our family.
It runs in our family.
우리가 기저귀를 더 많이 사야한다는 말이네요
It means we need to buy some nappy more.
That means we need to buy more nappies.
** 유모차 pushchair (영) baby stroller (미)
** 기저귀 nappy(영) diaper(미)
** 공갈젖꼭지 dummy(영) pacifier (미)
A: 당신 집안 내력이 대체 뭐야?
What on earth runs in your family?
What runs in your family?
B: 뛰어난 유머 감각이 집안 내력입니다.
An excellent sense of humour runs in thefamily.
A good sense of humour runs in the family.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
암이 집안 내력이면
If cancer runs in the family,
When cancer runs in the family,
먹는 것을 조심해야해.
you should be careful of eating.
you have to be careful of what you eat.
큰 눈이 집안 내력인데, 난 눈이 작아.
Big eyes run in the family but I have small eyes.
Big eyes run in the family but I have small eyes.
큰 눈이 집안 내력인데,
Big eyes run in the family,
우리 오빠만 유일하게 눈이 작습니다.
but only my brother has small eyes.
but my brother is the only one who has small eyes.
그녀 엄마의 외모로 판단해 보면,
Judging from her mum’s appearance,
Judging from her mother’s appearance,
미모가 그녀의 가족내력 인듯해.
it seems beauty runs in her family.
it seems like good looks run in her family.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 우리 집안 내력이잖아요.
It runs in our family.
우리가 공갈 쪽쪽이를 더 많이 사야한다는 말이네요
That means we need to buy more dummies.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It runs in the family. 그것은 집안 내력이야.



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