Home교육영어21.04.16.금 Easy Writing 대사: Bewitched, I just wish to live an ordinary...

21.04.16.금 Easy Writing 대사: Bewitched, I just wish to live an ordinary life.




pretty much 거의(=almost)
The scientist is so smart that he knows pretty much everything.
I am so hungry that I can eat pretty much anything.
I am so starving that I can eat pretty much anything.
I’ve finished pretty much.
I’ve pretty much done.
rich and famous 부유하고 유명한
extremely, wealthy, ordinary,
guess 맞춰보다/추측하다/~인 것같다.
become 그렇게 (되다)
materialize실현되다, give up
wish to [동사원형] [동사원형]하기를 원하다
I wish to hire a lawyer.
I wish to appoint a lawyer.변호사를 선임하다
I wish to talk with you privately.
I wish to have a private conversation with you.
That’s all 그게 다예요. 더 이상 없어요.
I just want to become friends with you. That’s all.
I just want to be friends with you. That’s all.
I just want to get my money back. That’s all.
snap one’s finger 손가락을 튕기다.
When the magician snapped his fingers, the cat disappeared.
All you have to do is just snap your fingers, then he’ll get you anything.
You just snap your fingers, and he will get you anything.
잭: 그래서 이자벨 비걸로양 나처럼 부유하고 유명해지고 싶나요?
Jack: So Isabel, do you want to become rich and famous like me?
So Isabel, do you want to be rich and famous like me?
난 극도로 부유해요
I am extremely wealthy.
이자벨: 아니요. 전 그냥 평범한 사람과 평범한 삶을 살길 원해요.
Isabel : No. I wish to live an ordinary life with an ordinary someone. That’s all.
잭: 글쎄요. 유명한 게 평범한 것보다 낫죠.
Jack: Well, something famous is better than that of ordinary.
Well, famous is better than normal.
스타가 되면 어떤 일이 벌어지게요?
Can you guess what happens if you become a star?
손가락만 튕기면, 원하는 건 거의 모두 실현되죠.
You just snap your fingers,
You just snap your fingers,
원하는 건 거의 모두 실현되죠?
and whatever you want materializes pretty much.
and pretty much anything you want materializes
이자벨: 오 아니예요. 아니 아니 아니
이미 그건 가지고 있어요. 그게 바로 제가 포기하는 거예요.
I‘ve already got that now. That’s exactly what I give up.
I already have that now. That’s exactly what I am giving up.
전 행복한 삶을 살길 기원해요.
I wish to live a happy life.



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