be obsessed with [명사] [명사]에 집착하다
Emma Ston is obsessed with K-pop
My son is obsessed with Pororo.
What do you think 세리나 is obsessed with?
naive 순진무구한, accept, overhear 엿들다
기회주의적인 opportunistic, betrayed, fooled,
instantly, love-strunck 사랑에 사로잡힌
end up [~동사] : 결국 [~ 동사]하다
Tina ended up accepting the job offer.
If you continue to waste your money, you will end up losing everything.
If you keep wasting your money, you will end up losing everything.
grow feelings for [명사]: [명사]에 대한 감정/마음을 키운다.
In the process Wendy grows feelings for Max.
I guess I have been growing feelings for my friend, Amy
cast a spell on [명사]: [명사]에게 마법을 걸다.
The witch cast a spell on the prince.
The prince turned into a frog when the witch cast a spell on him.
이사벨은 엄청 순진해서 쇼에 나와달라는 잭의 제안을 결국 받아들이게 된다.
Isabel is so naive that she ends up accepting Jack`s offer to be up in the show.
Isabel, being so naive, ends up accepting Jack`s offer to be in the show.
함께 일하는 동안 이자벨이 잭에 대한 마음을 키우는 것 같아 보인다.
It seems that Isabel grows feelings for Jack while working together.
It seems that Isabel grows feelings for Jack as they work together.
그러고나서 이사벨은 잭과 그의 기회주의적인 에이전트 리치 사이의 대화를 엿듣는다.
After that Isabel overhears the conversation between Jack and his opportunistic agent Richie
Then, Isabel overhears a conversation between Jack and his opportunistic agent Richie.
배신 당하고 속은 느낌이 들며 그녀는 잭에게 마법을 걸기로 결심한다.
Feeling betrayed and fooled, she decided to cast a spell on Jack.
잭은 즉시 사랑에 사로잡히고 이사벨에게 집착하게 된다.
Jack instantly gets love-struck and obsessed with Isabel.
Jack instantly becomes love-struck and obsessed with Isabel.
그 욕심 많은 남자는 돈에 집착해.
The greedy guy is obsessed with money.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 영화: Bewitched? (2) Isabel is accepting Jack’s offer.