try [~ 동사ing] 시도해본다 *try to 동사
I try to lose a weight: 몸무게 감량이 최종 목표
I try many things: 몸무게 감량을 위해서 많은 것을 시도해본다.
I try walking everyday.
We try using different combinations
We try using a different combination
Did you try rebooting your computer?
have trouble애먹다, switch 옮기다;바꾸다;전환하다
reboot, connection, lost 손실된, router 공유기
work 효과가 있다, technician기술자
connect to the internet 인터넷에 접속하다.
You can not connect to the internet without a modem.
How can I connect to the internet?
every time 매번
Serina had to remind Mayu every time.
My router resets by itself every time.
My router resets itself every time.
but to no avail 소용이 없었다.
He tried to defend the criminal but to no avail.
He tried to defend the driver but to no avail.
She changed her address but to no avail.
[Five Golden Sentences]
저는 당신의 서비스를 옮긴 이후로 인터넷에 접속하는 데 애먹고 있습니다.
I am having trouble to connect to the internet after I switched to your service.
I am having trouble connecting to the internet since I switched to your service.
컴퓨터를 재부팅할 때까지는 이것저것 괜찮게 작동합니다. things work fine
Things are working fairly until I reboot my computer.
Things work fine until I reboot my compter.
컴퓨터가 다시 켜지면 연결이 해제됩니다.
When the compter restarts, the connection is lost
When the compter is back on, the connection is lost.
그래서 매번 공유기를 리셋해야만 합니다.
so that I have to reset the router every time
so I have to reset the router every time
케이블도 교체해봤고, 새 공유기도 사봤지만
I try changing the cable and even I bought a new router
I try replacing the cable and I even bought a brand-new router
하지만 아무것도 효과가 없습니다.
however nothing has been worked.
however nothing works.
기술자가 여러번 나왔지만 소용이 없었습니다.
A technician comes out several times, but to no avail.
A technician cames out several times, but to no avail.
나는 그 세팅을 조정해봤어
I tried adjusting the setting.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 이메일: 인터넷 접속 장애 문의 I’m having trouble connecting to the internet