Today is Science Day in Korea.
It’s an anniversay celebrating the importance of science and promoting science and technology.
Also in the United Kingdom there is the British Science Week.
take it 가지고 가라
or 그렇지 않으면
leave it 그걸 남겨둬라
=> 양자택일의 상황에서도 사용가능
A: 중고 plunger가 생각보다 비싸네요. 3500원 어떠신가요?
The used item is a bit more expensive than I expected. How about 3,500won?
The used plunger is more expensive than I expected. How about 3,000won?
B: 3200원에 해드릴께요. 하든지 말든지 하세요
I can set it 3,200won. Take it or leave it.
I’ll give you 3,200 won, but that’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
A: 우리는 최고급 시계들을 팔아요.
We sell only the best watches.
We sell watches that are top of the line.
그냥 사든지 말든지하세요
Take it or leave it.
You can just take it or leave it.
B: 엄청 비싸긴 한데, 하나 살께요
It’s exremely expensive but I’m going to buy one.
It costs an arm and a leg. but I’ll buy one.
[Step by Step]
이제 하든지 말든지 해. 넌 그것을 무시할 수 없어
Now take it or leave it. You can’t ignore it
그것은 전적으로 너에게 달려있어. 너는 하든지 말든지 해야해 have got to
It’s solely up to you. You’ve got to take it or leave it.
It’s absolutely up to you. You’ve got to take it or leave it.
제 제안은 아직 유효해요. 하든지 말든지 하세요.
My offer is still available. You can just take it or leave it.
My offer still stands. Take it or leave it.
잠시 곰곰히 생각해 보세요.
Think deeply for a while.
Sleep on it for a while.
이게 제가 어제 제출한 최종제안서입니다. 하든지 말든하세요
This is my final proposal that I submitted yesterday. Take it or leave it
[Speak like a Brit]
A: The use plate is more expensive than I expected. How about 3,500won?
B: I’ll give you 3,700won. That’s the lowest price. Take it or leave it.
A: We sell vehicles that are top of the lines. You can just take it or leave it.
B: It costs an arm and a leg. I will buy one for my family.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Take it or leave it! 하든지 말든지 해!