A party(group) of [사람수]: 몇명의 단체
We are a party of 20.
I would like to make an reservation for a party of 4.
I am taking a party of 50 to Korea.
afraid 유감스러운, accommodate, work되다/작동하다
somehow어떻게라도, split, separate
visitors’ book 방명록, entrance.
make a reservation
I made a reservation for 2.
You should make a reservation right now/immediately.
You had better make a reservation right now.
[N] at a time: 한번에 N 개씩
Do just one at a time
->Do one thing at a time.
Take 2 tablets at a time
->Take 2 pills at a time.
take one’s temperature
The doctor took my termperature first.
The nurse took Jane’s temperature before the operation.
손님: 3월 20일 10명 단체예약하고 싶은데요.
I would like to make a reservation for a party of 10 on March 20th.
식당: 유감스럽지만 최근 정책으로 인해 한번에 5명만 수용가능합니다.
I am afraid that we can accommodate up to 5 people at a time due to the recent policy
->I am afraid that we can only accommodate 5 people at a time due to the recent policy.
손님: 충분히 이해해요. 하지만 어떻게라도 되게 만드는 방법 있을까요?
I completely understand, but is there any way we can somehow work it?
-> I completely understand, but is there any way we can make it work somehow?
식당: 2개의 다른 그룹으로 나누어 각자의 다른 방으로 앉도록 해드릴 수 있습니다.
We can split them into 2 different groups and seat them in the separate rooms.
->We can split them into 2 different groups and seat them in separate rooms.
식당: 방문객들은 여전히 방명록에 서명하고 입구에서 체온을 측정해야합니다.
Guests are still requested to sign up their names in the visitors’ book and have their temperature taken at the entrance.
->Guests are still required to sign their names in the visitors’ book and get their temperature taken at the entrance.
[Quiz] Did the nurse take your temperature?
21.03.15.월 Easy Writing 비지니스 채팅: 거리두기 중 장소 예약 I would like to make a reservation.