Home교육영어22.03.29.화 Easy Writing 후기: 로봇 청소기 (2) Review on a Mayu Bot...

22.03.29.화 Easy Writing 후기: 로봇 청소기 (2) Review on a Mayu Bot Vacuum




마유쌤: 약간 부정적인 느낌이 살아 있네요.
세린쌤: That’s cute but very real. And I also feel like people who have pets would need the vacuum the most. But at the same time I don’t think the pets would be very happy.
마유쌤: It’s like a adding another pet to your family.
세린쌤: How does 와루 react to your robot vacuum.
마유쌤: He’s really scared. He hides under the bed every time.

the best bang for your buck 가성비 최고의 것
=> you get the most for your money
(buck = dollar)
당신이 빠른 컴퓨터를 찾고 있다면,
If you’re looking for a fast computer,
If you’re looking for a fast computer,
이게 가성비 최고의 것이에요.
this is the best bang for your buck.
this one is the best bang for your buck. 당신이 저렴한 가스렌지를 찾고 있다면,
If you’re looking for a cheap gasrange,
If you’re looking for a cheap gas stove,
이 모델이 가성비 최고의 것입니다.
this model is the best bang for your buck.
this model is the best bang for your buck.
당신이 꽤 괜찮은 스맛폰이 필요하다면,
If you need quite a good smartphone,
If you need a decent smartphone,
이게 가성비 최고의 것입니다.
this is the best bang for your buck.
this one is the best band for your buck.
decent (물건에 대해)꽤 괜찮은(나쁘지 않다; 중간 이상인)
** 사람에 대해서 얘기할 때는 좋은 칭찬임
He is a decent guy. 착하고 성실하고 좋은 사람이다.
last 지속되다
petpeeve 짜증난 것; 너무 싫은 건; 극혐하는 것
세린쌤: This usually refers to something that really bothers you or annoys you. Something is usually small but annoys.
bump 튀어나온 부분; 턱
get stuck 걸리다; 오도가도 못하다
마유쌤: I got stuck in traffic.
세린쌤: I got stuck in the window. I tried to sneak into my mom’s house and I got stuck in the window.
scare 겁을 주다
bad 심하게 I miss you so bad
(원래는 badly가 맞지만 회화에서는 bad로 사용하는 경우가 많음)
pee 쉬하다

be in the market for [명사]를 사려고 둘러보고 있다.
당신이 중고카메라를 사려고 둘러보고 있다면, 저희 웹사이트를 방문하세요.
If you are in the market for a used camera, please visit our website.
If you are in the market for a used camera, visit our website.
당신은 집을 사려고 둘러보고 있나요?
Are you in the market for a house?
Are you in the market for a house?

go over [명사]를 넘어가다
그 선수는 그 울타리를 넘어갔어.
The athlete went over the fence.
The player went over the fence.
내 로봇이 그 턱을 넘어갔어.
My robot went over the bump.
My robot went over the bump.

set [목적어] free = [목적어]를 풀어주다.
그 테러리스트들은 그 인질들을 풀어주었다.
The terrorists set the hostages free.
The terrorists set the hostages free.
당신은 그 죄수들을 풀어줄 건가요?
Are you going to set the prisoners free?
Are you going to set the prisoners free?

[Five Golden Sentences]
저렴한 로봇진공청소기를 사려고 들러보고 계시다면,
If you are in the market for a cheap robot vacuum cleaner,
If you are in the market for a cheap robot vacuum cleaner,
이게 가성비 최고예요.
this one is the best bang for your buck.
this is the best bang for your buck.
일을 꽤 잘하고, 배터리도 상당히 오래가요.
It’s decent work, and the battery lasts quite long.
It does a decent job, and the battery lasts quite long.
유일하게 짜증났던 건, ( ) 저도 집에 있어야만 했다는 거예요.
The only petpeeve I had is that I had to stay around house
The only petpeeve I had was that I had to be around the house
(청소하는 내내 the whole time (평서문))
while the robot is working
the whole time it was doing its job. 그래요. 턱 위로 일단 올라가면,
That’s right. Once it goes over the bump,
That’s right. Once it goes over a bump,
풀어줄 때까지 걸려있어요.
it gets stuck until you set it free.
it gets stuck until you set it free.
세린쌤: When you break up with someone, you can be like “please set me free.
마유쌤: It’s not from your own experiences
세린샘: No~ I’m just, it’s an example from my head, from my crazy head.
그리고 개를 데리고 있다면, 심하게 겁 먹을 수도 could 있어요.
Also, if you have a pet, it scares them bad
Also, if you own a dog, it could scare them pretty bad.
청소기를 처음 켰을 때, 저희 애가 놀라서 쉬를 했던 기억이 나네요.
I remember my dog pee himself the first time I turned it on
I remember my dog peeing on himself the first time I turned it on.
** pee on onself (동물들이 놀라서) 쉬했다.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 후기: 로봇 청소기 (2)



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