take over [명사]: [명사]를 떠맡다.
Who will take over his work?
Who is going to take over his job?
We had to take over all of her work.
Serina’s company was taken over by the world’s biggest company.
Serina’s company was taken over by the biggest company in the world.
long face 시무룩한 얼굴, bother 신경쓰이게 하다
remember, department (abbr. dept.)
suddenly, quit그만두다, job 업무;일거리
without notice 다짜고짜:예고없이
The inspector visited their office without notice.
The auditor visited their office without notice.
*감사관 auditor
Did they fire him without notice?
How [질문] 어떻게 [질문]이야
How have you been doing?
How are you doing?
How is your business going?
good luck with [명사]: [명사]의 행운을 빌어
Good luck with your final exam.
Good luck with your finals.
Godd luck with your life.
[Five Golden Sentences]
왜 얼굴이 시무룩해?
Why the long face?
Why the long face?
신경쓰이는 게 있어?
Is there anything that bothers you?
Is something bothering you?
우리부서에 제인 기억나?
Do you remember Jane in my department?
그녀가 예고도 없이 갑자기 그만뒀어.
She sudddenly quit without notice.
suddenly = all of a sudden
그게 어떻게 너한테 나쁜건데?
Well, how is it bad for you?
Well, how is that bad for you?
그녀의 업무를 아는 사람이 나 밖에 없어서
I am the only person who knows her job,
I am the only one who knows her job,
이제 내가 다 떠 맡아야 해
and now I have to take over all of it.
and now I have to take over everything.
take over (남의 것을) 떠맡다 Vs take on (새로운 것을) 맡다.
아이고, 좋은 것 같지는 않네.
Ohh. It doesn’t sound good.
Ohh. That doesn’t sound great.
행운을 빈다
Good luck with that.
Good luck with that.
[Quiz] 그들은 예고도없이 그 회의를 취소했어
They cancelled the meeting even without notice.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 골칫거리가 생긴 직장 동료 Why the long face?