Home교육영어20.03.30.월 Work has been crazy lately. 요즘 회사에서 미친 듯이 바빠요. 권주현의...

20.03.30.월 Work has been crazy lately. 요즘 회사에서 미친 듯이 바빠요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어




Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 30th of March.
Don’t think about Monday blues because you’re going to study and listen to posh accent and speak out loud, which is the easiest and fastest way to study English.
Of course, you have me.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Monthly textbook is on the market.

** 직역: 일이 최근에 미쳐왔다=> 의역: 요즘 회사에서 미친 듯이 바빠요
** 상황: 변명할 때, 일이 바쁠 때.
A: 책을 읽고 싶은데,
I want to read books,
I wnat to read some books,
요즘 일이 너무 바쁘네요.
but work has been crazy lately.
but work has been crazy lately.
B: 좋은 변명인데요.
That’s a good excuse.
That’s a good excuse.
A: 집에 언제 올 거니?
When are you coming home?
When are you planning to come home?
B: 요즘 일이 너무 바빠서 갈 수가 없습니다.
Work has been so crazy lately that I can’t go.
Work has been crazy lately so I can’t go.
[문장 응용 완성 게임]
요새 너무 바빠서 ( )는 걸 너에게 말해주고 싶어.
I want to tell you that work has been crazy lately,
I want to tell you that work has been crazy lately,
(설거지할 시간이 없다)
so I have no time to wash the dishes.
so I haven’t had a time to do the dishes.
요즘 일이 너무 바쁘지만,
Work has been crazy lately,
Work has been crazy lately,
시간을 내서 당신을 만날 수 있어요.
but I can make time to meet you.
but I can spare some time and see you.
** spare some time 시간을 내다; set aside a few minutes/hours for someone.
요새 일이 너무 바빠서,
Work has been crazy lately,
Work has been crazy lately,
이 프로젝트가 최대한 빨리 끝나기만을 고대하고 있습니다.
so I’m looking forward to finishing this project as soon as possible.
and I’m looking forward to finishing this project as soon as possible.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 운동하고 싶지만, 요즘 일이 너무 바쁩니다.
I want to work out, but work has been crazy lately.
B: 그건 좋은 변명이 아니예요.
That’s not a good excuse.
A: 언제 결혼할 tie the knot거니?
When are you going to tie the knot?
B: 요새 일이 너무 바빠서 정확한 날짜는 말씀 못 드리겠어요.
Work has been crazy lately, so I can’t say the exact date.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Work has been crazy lately. 요즘 회사에서 미친 듯이 바빠요.



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