Home교육영어20.04.02.목 I have buyer’s remorse. 괜히 샀어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

20.04.02.목 I have buyer’s remorse. 괜히 샀어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어




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** buyer’s remorse 구매자의 후회
** 직역: 나는 구매자의 후회를 가진다 => 의역: 괜히 샀어.
** 상황: 주로 비싼 구매를 충동 구매를 하고 후회할 때
A: 그는 트렁크 boot가 가장 큰 차를 샀어.
He bought a car with the largest trunk.
He bought a car with the biggest boot.
B: 그가 산 걸 후회하고 있을 것 같아.
I think he has buyer’s remorse.
I think he has buyer’s remorse.
A: 여친을 위해 입장권을 샀는데,
I bought the admission tickets for my girl friend,
I bought the tickets for my girl friend,
아~ 괜히 샀어.
but I have buyer’s remorse.
but now I have buyer’s remorse.
B: 그렇다면…..너가 암표상이 될거라는 거야?
Thenare you saying that you’re going to be a ___?
That means….you’re going to be a scallper?
** 암표상 tout; scallper => someone who buys things such as theater tickets at the usual prices and sells them again when they are difficult to get at much higher prices.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
난 항상 괜히 샀다는 마음이 들지만,
I always have buyer’s remorse,
I have buyer’s remores all the time,
그게 바로 나란 인간이야.
but it’s the one that I am.
but that’s just me.
집주인 중 거의 절반이 집을 산 것을 후회한다는 사실이 드러났습니다.
It turns out that almost half of house owners have buyer’s remorse.
It turns out that nearly half of all home owners have buyer’s remorse.
그는 비싸게 구입한 것에 대해 후회하고 있는지 궁금해.
I wonder if he has buyer’s remorse for buying at an expensive price.
I wonder if he has buyer’s remose about an unexpected purchase
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그는 아마도 후회하고 있을 거야.
I think he probably has buyer’s remorse.
A: 여친을 위해 선물을 샀는데, 괜히 샀어.
I bought a present for my girl friend, but now I have buyer’s remorse.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I have buyer’s remorse. 괜히 샀어.



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