look back on [명사] [명사]를 뒤돌아보다
I looked back on my past.
We looked back on our shared time
We looked back on the times we had together.
You`ll be proud of yourself when you look back on your life.
enjoy, process, reach, critical, remind, achievement,
give a pat 토닥토닥, fulfilling 뿌듯하게 하는
be fixated on ~ing [~ing] 하는 데 집착하다.
Many of us are fixated on losing weight.
Eddie is fixated on making everything perfectly.
Eddie is fixated on making everything perfect.
time in time again 몇번이고 계속해서
I had to get them remember time in time again
I had to remind them time in time again.
(again and agai <- 좀 더 캐쥬얼한 표현)
He warned us time in time again.
Once in a while. 때때로
We talk to each other once in a while
Once in a while, I feel depressed.
언어를 배울 때는 그 과정을 즐기는 것이 아주 중요하다.
When you are learning a language, it’s so important to enjoy the process.
우리는 목표 달성에 엄청 집착해서 배움의 재미를 잃을 때가 너무 많다.
Too many times we are so fixated on reaching our goals which takes all the fun from learning.
Too many times we are so fixated on reaching our goals that it takes all the fun out of learning.
난 내 자신에 대해 자주often 비판적이라서 often
I am critical of myself time in time again,
I am often critical of myself,
이건 내 스스로에게 몇번이고 time in time again 다시 기억나게 해야만 하는 것이다.
so this is something I have to remind myself time in time again
so this is something I have to remind myself about time in time again
critical of = critical on
우리는 때때로 우리가 이룬 것들을 되돌아보고 우리가 잃은 것들을 충분히 토닥거려줄 필요가 있다.
And once in a while, we need to look back on our achievements and give a pat to ourselves
And once in a while, we need to also look back on our achievements and give ourself a good pat on the back.
여러분 모두가 영어 공부를 스스로를 위한 행복하고 성취감을 주는 여정으로 만들길 바란다.
I wish all of you make English learning a happy and fulfilling journey for yourselves.
I hope all of you make learning English a happy and fulfilling journey for yourselves.
그녀는 자신의 인생을 뒤돌아보고는 미소지었다.
She smiled to look back on her life.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지라이팅 Easy Writing 조언: 세리나의 조언 It’s so important to enjoy the process.