sweet-talk SOMEBODY into [~ ing]:
SOMEBODY를 달콤한 말로 꼬셔서 [~ ing]하게 하다
세리나 sweet-talked 마유 into eating a piece of cake.
They sweet-talked 세리나 into skipping the class.
They sweet-talked 세리나 into cutting the class.
The salesperson sweet-talked the guest into buying more.
The salesperson sweet-talked the customer into buying more.
cast(cast-cast-cast), lead role, unknown actress,
co-star 공동 주연 (”co” 함께), candidate
encounter(우연히)마주치다/조우하다, witch 마녀, audtion (n,v)
play [명사]: [명사]의 역할을 하다.
마유 plays Brad in the sitcom.
Who plays the lead role in the movie?
happen to [동사원형 ]어쩌다 보니 [동사원형]하다
(*happen 벌어진 것;계획되지 않은)
We happen to live in the neighborhood.
We happen to live in the same neighborhood.
She happens to be my far relative.
She happens to be my distance cousin.
at first 처음에는
They were reluctant to help at first.
At first, we were skeptical.
[Five Golden Sentences]
잭은 ( ) 주연 역할로 캐스팅된 배우이다.
Jack is an actor cast to play a lead role
Jack is an actor who has been cast to play the lead role
(1960년대 시트콤 bewitched의 리메이크작에서)
in the remake of 1960’s sitcom ‘bewitched’.
in a remake of the 1960s sitcom ‘bewitched’
그는 그 쇼에서 자신이 유일한 스타가 될 수 있게 자신과 공동 주연을 할 무명 여배우를 찾는다.
He seeks an unknown actress to co-star with him so he can be the only star in the show.
후보자를 찾는 와중에,
While seeking a candidate,
While searching for a candidate,
실제로 마녀인 이자벨과 마주친다.
he encounters Isabel who happens to be a real witch
he encounters Isabel who happens to be an actal witch
잭은 이자벨이 완벽한 후보자라고 생각하고
Jack thinks of Isabel as a perfect candidate
Jack thinks isabel is the perfect candidiate
그녀를 달콤한 말로 꼬셔서 오디션을 보게 한다.
and sweet-talks her into auditioning for the show.
and sweet-talks her into auditioning for the show.
이자벨은 평범한 삶을 살고 싶어하기 때문에 처음에는 주저한다.
Isabel hesitates at first because she wants to live an ordinary life.
Isabel hesitates at first because she wants to live a normal life.
그는 그녀를 달콤한 말로 꼬셔서 그 진공청소기를 사게 하려고 했다.
He sweet-talked her into buying a vacuum cleaner.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing영화:Bewitched? (1)Jack thinks Isabel is the perfect candidate.