Home교육영어24.01.05.금 Easy Writing 대화: 토론토가 그렇게 춥다고? Are you saying that Toronto...

24.01.05.금 Easy Writing 대화: 토론토가 그렇게 춥다고? Are you saying that Toronto is cold?




What’s the weather like in [장소]에는 날씨가 어때?  <= 평소 날씨
How’s the weather in [장소] <= 지금 당장 날씨 질문
로마의 날씨가 겨울에는 어때?
What’s the weather like in Rome in winter?
뉴저지의 여름 날씨는 어때?
What’s the weather like in New Jersey in summer?
밴쿠버의 가을 날씨는 어때?
What’s the weather like in Vancouver in fall?

freezing (꽁꽁 얼만큼)엄청 추운
possibly 혹시, 어쩌면
hoodie 모자가 달린 셔츠나 점퍼
shorts 반바지
‘cause 왜냐하면
explore 돌아다니다; 탐험하다
check out 살펴보다 <= (가볍게) 괜찮은지 확인하다
Tdot 토론토

head to [명사]로 향하다
Let’s head inside. (비가오니깐) 안으로 들어가자
Let’s head out soon. 이제 나가자
나 내일 멕시코로 가.
I’m heading to Mexico tomorrow.
우린 사업회의를 위해서 스페인으로 향하는 중이야.
We’re heading to Spain for the business meeting.
We’re heading to Spain for a business meeting.
during the day 낮동안
우린 낮동안에는 좀 쉬었어.
We had some break during the day.
We rested during the day.
대부분의 올빼미들은 낮에 자.
Most owls sleep during the day.
세린쌤: Because owls are nocturnal animals, right?
freeze to death 얼어 죽다
freeze my butt off (너무 추워서) 엉덩이가 떨어져 나가다.
나 얼어서 죽겠어.
I’m freezing to death.
너 재킷없으면 얼어죽을거야.
You’re going to freeze to death without a jacket.


[Five Fabulous Sentences]
캐나다 날씨는 어때?
What’s the weather like in Canada?
나 다음주에 토론토에 가는데 뭘 입어야할지 모르겠네.
I’m heading to Toronto next week but I don’t know what to wear.
토론토는 겨울에 정말 추워지니깐
Toronto gets really freezing in winter.
따뜻한 쟈켓, 장갑, 부츠도 좀 가져와.
So bring a warm jacket, gloves, and possibly some boots.
** possibly (안 챙길 수도 있지만) 그래도 혹시
낮에는 그냥 후드셔츠랑 반바지 입으면 안돼?
Can I just wear hoodies and shorts during the day?
세린쌤: You know I’m a believer of there’s no stupide questions but this ….
세린쌤: like Hoodies and shorts is weird combination. Don’t you think?
마유쌤: Well, I used to wear like this back in San diego during winter.
세린쌤: Really?
마유쌤: Because it’s not too cold. It’s not that warm. In the moring, I wear something like this.
세린쌤: Oh, I guess that could be possible.
그렇게 해. 얼어죽고 싶으면
Yeah, if you want to freeze to death.
보러 갈 곳이 엄청 많으니깐 편한 신발도 가져오고
Bring comfy shoes too cause there’re so much to explore.
휴, 어서 빨리 토론토 구경하고 싶어.
Man, I can’t wait to check out Tdot.
스위스는 겨울에 날씨가 어때?
What’s the weather like in Switzerland in winter.
출처 EBS 반디 오디오어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 대화: 토론토가 그렇게 춥다고? Are you saying that Toronto is cold?



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